Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Road to Agumbe

Nice empty stretch of tarmac tempts Prof. Kailash Rao to step on the gas. We hold a metaphoric gun to his head and ask him to pull over

Can't blame him though... this road's a dream!

We wonder if the Swift is up to a spot of off-roading. Eventually, better sense prevails

Now here's a spell of bad road that the Swift did handle with aplomb

Arecanut trees living in harmony with pepper. Twice the yield for the same plot of land. Nice

What has six wheels below and nine wheels above? A bus on the Agumbe ghats, that's what!

Ah, the misty mountains of the western ghats. We're getting close.

Welcome to the world famous Agumbe sunset!

We met this couple winding their way up the ghats in their nifty hotrod. Does about ten centimetres to a kilo of leaves, looks like

Gulp - tombstones? And head of the what? Just some distance markers the Brits put up long ago, thank goodness

That's one badass feather-mucker crossing our path. We stay put in the car
Agumbe's main street at 10 am. We wish Haji Ali junction looked like this on a Monday morning.

Dodda mane, aka 'Swami's house'. It hasn't changed since Malgudi Days was shot in the mid-80s – or since RK Narayan was born, for that matter

No skeletons in the well as far as we could see. But Prof Rao nearly contributed one – his own – by almost leaning too far

Guidepost for the directionally challenged. Unfortunately we happened to be Kannada-challenged as well